Episode 229
229 - Beloved (1998) - Everyone Gets a Trauma
We deal with the heaviest episode of Black History Month as we near the end. This is Oprah Winfrey’s 1998 film, Beloved, based on true events.
If you were surprised to learn Oprah made a horror, then you’re like Mike. but damn she knocked it out of the park with this. Based on the novel by Toni Morrison, this shows how severe slavery had pushed some people, to the point where their pain would not die, even after death.
Check her twitch https://www.twitch.tv/Sputnick2354
and our own Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/graveyardshiftpodcast
Be sure to check it Friday Feb 18 at 8 PM EST for a listening party to hear us expand on this more with visual content and chat with other cool people!
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Thanks for listening.